Survey Data Model
You can say that a survey is a data collection tool that is used to collect information about individuals. Surveys have a variety of purposes. They can be conducted in many ways. This data model focusses on the questions and responses part.
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Notation: IDEF1X
IDEF1X Notation | Crow's Foot Notation
Entities in this data model:
Person ,Question ,Response ,Choice ,Survey ,QuestionType ,TextResponse ,SurveyParticipant ,SingleChoiceResponse ,DateResponse ,MultipleChoiceResponse ,NumericResponse ,YesNoResponse
Download This Data Model
The download is a zipfile containing .dez files (the data model), images of the data model, and a license agreement. The .dez file contains a data model with MS SQL Server 2005 as target database. You can easily switch the target database to another database (MS Access, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL,...) in DeZign for Databases.
You must use DeZign for Databases to open/view/edit the data model(s) (.dez file).
Please read the license before downloading this data model.